Thursday, June 5, 2014


Dear friends,

I haven't worked on my book in over a week. My blog posts are few and far between. I am a bad, bad person. I am lazy. I don't deserve to be a writer. And I will be honest and tell you why. Scandal. Oh, holy jebus, I am 100% addicted to Scandal! I am watching it right now, as I type this!

I watch Scandal when I'm making and eating breakfast. I watch Scandal when I'm in the bathtub. I watch Scandal when I'm getting dressed in the morning. That *alone* is a BIG DEAL for me. For the past 6 years, I have watched The Daily Show and The Colbert Report every morning while I got dressed in the morning. Not anymore. I haven't watched Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert all week long! I have uprooted my sacred morning ritual because I am out-of-control, ADDICTED to Scandal!!!

I write these blog posts (and my book) on my white MacBook laptop. But because I am such a Scandal junkie, I've had my iPad by my side, ALL DAY, playing episode after episode of Scandal on my Netflix app. Laptop on my lap, iPad at my side. Episode after episode. It's out of control!

I've never been addicted to drugs, I've never been addicted to alcohol, but I am addicted to Scandal. It's disrupting my life and my creative process. I want to work on my blog. I want to work on my book! But I can't stop watching this damn TV show!!!

The irony of it all is that this show is so NOT my style. I do NOT like drama. I do NOT like murder. I do NOT like violence. Everything about this show should make me want to stop watching, but I can't!!!

Also, I have been having morbid dreams since I started watching this show. Not violent dreams, but morbid. I had a dream the other night about death. It wasn't a violent dream, just a dream where I was contemplating and facing my own mortality all night long. And I think about death all day long, too. I really have to stop watching this show. But I can't!!!

Maybe I just have to play this out. I only have 9 more episodes in Season Two and 18 episodes of Season Three. I can get through this entire show in less than a week. Then it's over. Then I can have my life back. Maybe I just have to admit that I am weak, that I am flawed, and my life will not be mine again until I have consumed every last episode of this violent, gruesome, thrilling, brilliant, addictive TV show.

Dear friends, don't start watching Scandal. Learn from my mistake! Save yourselves!!!

Ok, time to get back to my show ;-)


P.S. Oh no! The Pentagon has bugged Olivia Pope's apartment! Aghhhhhhh!!!!!! (Oh, and go to


  1. The show is outstanding. Trust me, I've been there. The worst is when you are watching the repeats over and over again. That's how you KNOW you are hooked!

  2. AAAAAhahahahahahaha!!!!! Darilyn, thank you so much for not judging me :-) And thank you for the empathy and sympathy. Actually, I stopped watching it. I was into season 3, but once the young brown-haired girl became a spy, it started to get too scary for me. When Huck started pulling out her teeth, I stopped watching, cold turkey. That moment pushed me over the edge. I'm back to comedies ;-)

    And thank you for being the first person EVER to comment on my blog!!! I feel like a super star!!! :-)
